Our Values


Radical and applied to all levels, forming the basis for our people management and compensation policy.

Team Excellence

We recruit our people for their excellence and enthusiasm. We offer them challenges, encouraging them to be bold and take risks. This is the only way to perpetuate our company.


We delegate full authority and responsibility so that our team members properly perform their duties.


Our actions are governed by the highest ethical and professional standards. Any deviation from these standards, no matter how small, is utterly unacceptable.


We put the highest value on teamwork grounded on optimism, open-mindedness and humility. Attitudes or behavior centered on the individual, rather than the team, are unacceptable.

Committed to Results

We are entirely profit-driven, which is the only way to ensure continuity and long-term growth.


We pursue global standards of excellence in everything we do.

Spreading the Culture

We are all equally responsible for spreading our values to our portfolio companies through our attitudes and by setting an example, in order to create world-class companies and generate long-term value.

Sharing Success

We share the company´s value creation among our entire team to ensure a perfect alignment of interests.


We believe in keeping things simple. Simplicity breeds agility and agility breeds success.

Sharing Knowledge

We encourage the transparent dissemination of information and the standardization of processes and procedures to store and share our knowledge.

Nothing is Impossible

Our business is nourished by perseverance, creativity, optimism and working on the road.